
Tilt API Specs

The Tilt API opens up the opportunity for developers to:

What we think is cool about the Tilt API:

Please Note

The Tilt API is currently being updated as we transition from Balanced Payments to Stripe as our primary payments processor. During this time, we aren't issuing new API credentials. We expect the transition to be completed within 90 days of 3/13/2015.

In the meantime, we'd love to answer any questions you have at support.api@tilt.com.



It is important to understand that the Tilt API is a layer of abstraction on top of payment processors. Currently, we support Stripe, which is well-suited for single-project sites like Lockitron, or multi-project services such as Kickstarter.

When interacting with a payment gateway, the focus is highly transactional and payment-based. We consider a payment to be simply a part of a whole. Our API helps you focus on the whole.

The API defines 3 main objects: campaign, user, and payment. At a very high-level, a campaign represents a monetary goal that one or more users try to achieve through payments. The campaign can define multiple payment policies such as fixed payments, e.g, tickets, or variable payments, e.g., donations.

Payments are simply a way for users to achieve the campaign goal. We believe that a good crowdfunding service should support any type of payment. Therefore, we are working on supporting as many payment methods as possible. Currently, we support credit cards transactions. ACH debits support coming soon.

When the campaign is created, it has to have at least one user to act as the owner or the campaign admin. Once the campaign goal is achieved, the money is sent to the campaign admin according to the policies defined when the campaign was created.

Here is a full definition for each one of those objects: campaign, user, payment.


Tilt is fully PCI compliant and security is of paramount importance to our team. Tilt forces HTTPS for all services, including our public website. All data is stored in a Payment Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Compliant environment.

Tilt provides a PCI-compliant javascript library, crowdtilt.js, which is easy to implement on your website. Sensitive payment information can then be securely collected without ever touching your servers, keeping you completely outside of PCI and regulatory scope. See Tokenizing Sensitive User Information for more information.

We investigate all reported security issues with extreme immediacy. If you believe you've found any security issues, please email us at security@tilt.com. Though usually faster, we guarantee a direct response within 24 hours. We ask that you do not disclose a security bug publicly until it has been addressed by our team.

Use Cases

The Tilt API can be used in a single-project environment (i.e. app.net/lockitron.com), a multi-project environment (a la Kickstarter), or for simple Group Payments. This includes things like group vacation bookings/rentals, wedding gifts, bachelor parties, and the list goes on. We know we're only scratching the surface of what can be done with this API, and we're sure our users will find countless other creative and clever ways to utilize our API.

We have friends looking to use our API to build a Mission-Trip focused, non-profit crowdfunding platform, and other developers interested in building a bill-splitting mobile application. If you have any questions about how your use-case or idea could utilize our API, don't hesitate to ask!

Getting Started

Sandbox Environment

To help you build your application, we provide a sandbox environment that you can use for testing. Use the base URI below:


The sandbox environment will be configured with a free Stripe account. If you need support for a different payment processor, please let us know.


We are big fans of simplicity. Therefore, we support Basic Authentication over SSL. You can simply use curl to test our API in 2 seconds.

$ curl -u API_KEY:API_SECRET https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1

If the credentials provided were invalid, the API will respond with

401 => Unauthorized

Data Formats

Currently, we only support JSON data formats. If you think we should support other data formats, please let us know what and why support.api@tilt.com.

Getting involved

We need your help and we would love to get you involved. Feel free to create github issues, give feedback and comment, submit pull requests, or review specs. You can even ask for new features and vote on the ones you like to be a higher priority.

When is feature X going to be in production?

Any proposed spec change will be in a separate "feature" branch. Once we have a consensus from the community on the spec change, it'll be merged into dev branch, which means that the Tilt team will start working on it. Once it is fully implemented and ready to go to production, it'll get merged to the master branch.

Using Metadata

All resources contain a metadata field for storing key-value pairs of extra data. Store as many of these key-value pairs as you wish.

Some common uses of this field include storing extra user data, such as address fields or profile image urls, or storing extra campaign data, such as a campaign description field or campaign image url.

Important Note: Updating the metadata field completely overwrites its contents. Be sure to include the entirety of the data you wish to store when making an update, including key-value pairs that did not change.

User Resources

Path HTTP Methods Description
/users GET POST List of users
/users/:id GET PUT A specific user
/users/:id/verification POST Verify a user to receive payments
/users/:id/campaigns GET All campaigns this user is admin of
/users/:id/cards GET POST User credit cards
/users/:id/cards/:id GET PUT DELETE A specific credit card
/users/:id/banks GET POST User bank accounts
/users/:id/banks/:id GET PUT DELETE A specific bank account
/users/:id/payments GET A list of Users payments


Create User

The minimum amount of information needed to create a user is a valid email address.

Keep in mind that the metadata field is a great place to store references to other user assets, such as a profile image.

POST /users

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users \
   "user" : {
      "firstname" : "foo",
      "lastname" : "bar",
      "email" : "user@example.com",
      "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-profile-image" }

Response Body

    "user": {
        "id": "USREC5",
        "email": "foo.bar@gmail.com",
        "firstname": "Foo",
        "lastname": "Bar",
        "is_verified": 0,
        "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
        "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5",
        "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/cards",
        "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/banks",
        "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/campaigns",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/payments",
        "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-profile-image" }

Response Codes

201 => Created
400 => Bad Request

Verify User

In order for a user to receive money raised from a campaign, the user's identity needs to be verified. A user is verified by POSTing verification data to the /users/:id/verification.

The verification data is as follows:

In some cases, if the user cannot be fully verified with this information, we may return a 449 response indicating that we need more info. In these cases you should re-post the data with the additional ssn field containing the user's social security number for additional verification.

Once the verification has succeeded, is_verified on the user object will be set to 1 to reflect this change.

POST /users/:id/verification

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USREC5/verification \
   "verification" : {
      "name" : "Khaled Hussein",
      "dob" : "1984-07",
      "phone_number" : "(000) 000-0000",
      "street_address" : "324 awesome address, awesome city, CA",
      "postal_code" : "12345"

Response Body


Response Codes

200 => OK
400 => Bad Data, or Could not Verify admin information
449 => Retry with SSN

Get User

GET  /users/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "user": {
        "id": "USREC5",
        "email": "foo.bar@gmail.com",
        "firstname": "Foo",
        "lastname": "Bar",
        "is_verified": 0,
        "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
        "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5",
        "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/cards",
        "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/banks",
        "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/campaigns",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/payments",
        "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-profile-image" }

Response Codes

200 => OK

List Users

GET /users

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination": {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
    "users": [
            "id": "USREC5",
            "email": "foo.bar@gmail.com",
            "firstname": "Foo",
            "lastname": "Bar",
            "is_verified": 0,
            "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
            "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5",
            "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/cards",
            "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/banks",
            "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/campaigns",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/payments",
            "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-profile-image" }

Response Codes

200 => OK

Update User

Currently, this request supports partial PUTs. For example, you can do a request to update a single attribute without having to send the full user object.

PUT /users/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USREC5 \
    "user": {
        "lastname": "new last name"

Response Body

    "user": {
        "id": "USREC5",
        "email": "foo.bar@gmail.com",
        "firstname": "Foo",
        "lastname": "new last name",
        "is_verified": 0,
        "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
        "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5",
        "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/cards",
        "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/banks",
        "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/campaigns",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/payments",
        "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-profile-image" }

Response Codes

200 => OK

User Campaigns

Get User Campaigns

This resource returns all the campaigns that the user has created as well as the campaigns that he paid for.

GET /users/:id/campaigns

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination": {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
    "campaigns": [
            "id": "CMPBDA",
            "title": "Campaign Title",
            "tilt_amount": 100,
            "min_payment_amount": 0,
            "fixed_payment_amount": 0,
            "expiration_date": "2000-01-02T01:02:03Z",
            "is_tilted": 0,
            "is_paid": 0,
            "is_expired": 0,
            "needs_bank": 0,
            "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/payments",
            "settlements_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/settlements",
            "admin": { "id": "USREC5", "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5", ... },
            "first_contributor": null,
            "tilter": null,
            "stats": {
                "tilt_percent": 0,
                "raised_amount": 0,
                "unique_contributors": 0,
                "number_of_contributions": 0
            "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
            "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
            "metadata": { }

Response Codes

200 => OK

User Cards

Create User Card

POST /users/:id/cards

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -u key:secret -H Content-Type:application/json \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USR50A/cards \
    "card": {
        "number": "4111111111111111",
        "expiration_month": "01",
        "expiration_year": "2023",
        "security_code": "123",
        "postal_code": "12345"

Response Body

    "card": {
        "id" : "CCP6D6E7E7C0C5C11E2BD7001E2CFE628C0",
        "last_four" : "1111",
        "expiration_year" : 2023,
        "expiration_month" : "01",
        "user": { "id" : "USR50A", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A/cards/CCP6D6",
        "card_type" : "VISA card",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

201 => Created

Get User Card

GET /users/:id/cards/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "card": {
        "id" : "CCP6D6E7E7C0C5C11E2BD7001E2CFE628C0",
        "last_four" : "1111",
        "expiration_year" : 2023,
        "expiration_month" : "01",
        "user": { "id" : "USR50A", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A/cards/CCP6D6",
        "card_type" : "VISA card",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

List User Cards

GET /users/:id/cards

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination": {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
    "cards" : [
             "id" : "CCP6D6E7E7C0C5C11E2BD7001E2CFE628C0",
             "last_four" : "1111",
             "expiration_year" : 2023,
             "expiration_month" : "01",
             "user": { "id" : "USR50A", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A", ... },
             "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A/cards/CCP6D6",
             "card_type" : "VISA card",
             "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
             "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
             "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

Update User Card

Card information cannot be updated once it is set. You can however, modify the metadata of a Card. That is the only thing modifiable with this request. Other fields submitted will be ignored.

PUT /users/:id/cards/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USR50A/cards/CCP6D6E7E7C0C5C11E2BD7001E2CFE628C0 \
    "card": {
        "metadata" : {
            "key1" : "value1"

Response Body

    "card": {
        "id" : "CCP6D6E7E7C0C5C11E2BD7001E2CFE628C0",
        "last_four" : "1111",
        "expiration_year" : 2023,
        "expiration_month" : "01",
        "user": { "id" : "USR50A", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR50A/cards/CCP6D6",
        "card_type" : "VISA card",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {
            "key1" : "value1"

Response Codes

200 => OK

Delete User Card

DELETE /users/:id/cards/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X DELETE -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Codes

200 => OK

User Banks

Note that the bank_code field is also referred to as a "routing number" in the USA.

Create User Bank

POST /users/:id/banks

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USR54B/banks \
    "bank": {
        "account_number" : "1234567890",
        "name" : "John Smith",
        "bank_code" : "321174851"

Response Body

    "bank": {
        "id" : "BAP688",
        "account_number_last_four" : "7890",
        "bank_code_last_four" : "4851",
        "name" : "John Smith",
        "is_default" : 0,
        "user": { "id" : "USR54B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B/banks/BAP688",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

201 => Created

Make User Bank Default

Before a bank account will be sent money, it must be marked as the default bank account for that user. To make a bank account the default, make the following request:

POST /users/:id/banks/default

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USR54B/banks/default \
    "bank": { "id" : "BAP688" }

Response Body

    "bank": {
        "id" : "BAP688",
        "account_number_last_four" : "7890",
        "bank_code_last_four" : "4851",
        "name" : "John Smith",
        "is_default" : 1,
        "user": { "id" : "USR54B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B/banks/BAP688",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

Get User's Default Bank

To get the current default bank for a user, you can simply request:

GET /users/:id/banks/default

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "bank": {
        "id" : "BAP688",
        "account_number_last_four" : "7890",
        "bank_code_last_four" : "4851",
        "name" : "John Smith",
        "is_default" : 1,
        "user": { "id" : "USR54B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B/banks/BAP688",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

Get User Bank

GET /users/:id/banks/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "bank" : {
        "id" : "BAP688",
        "account_number_last_four" : "7890",
        "bank_code_last_four" : "4851",
        "name" : "John Smith",
        "is_default" : 0,
        "user": { "id" : "USR54B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B/banks/BAP688",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

List User Banks

This resource lists the bank accounts associated with this user.

GET /users/:id/banks

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination": {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
    "banks": [
            "id" : "BAP688",
            "account_number_last_four" : "7890",
            "bank_code_last_four" : "4851",
            "name" : "John Smith",
            "is_default" : 0,
            "user": { "id" : "USR54B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B", ... },
            "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B/banks/BAP688",
            "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
            "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
            "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

Update User Bank

Bank information cannot be updated once it is set. You can however, modify the metadata of a bank account. That is the only thing modifiable with this request. Other fields submitted will be ignored.

PUT /users/:id/banks/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USR54B/banks/BAP688 \
    "bank" : {
        "metadata" : {
            "key1" : "value1"

Response Body

    "bank" : {
        "id" : "BAP688",
        "account_number_last_four" : "7890",
        "bank_code_last_four" : "4851",
        "name" : "John Smith",
        "is_default" : 0,
        "user": { "id" : "USR54B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B", ... },
        "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B/banks/BAP688",
        "creation_date" : "2012-08-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-09-23T07:42:46.134467000Z",
        "metadata" : {
            "key1" : "value1"

Response Codes

200 => OK

Delete User Bank

DELETE /users/:id/banks/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X DELETE -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Codes

200 => OK

User Payments

List User Payments

GET /users/:id/payments

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination": {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
    "payments": [
          "id" : "CON234",
          "status" : "charged",
          "amount" : 2000,
          "user_fee_amount" : 40,
          "admin_fee_amount" : 40,
          "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B/payments/CON234",
          "campaign" : { "id": "CMP96B", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B", ... },
          "card" : { "id" : "CCPC41", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521/cards/CCPC42", ... },
          "user": { "id" : "USR54B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR54B", ... },
          "creation_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:13Z",
          "modification_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:47Z",
          "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

Campaign Resources

Path HTTP Methods Description
/campaigns GET POST List of campaigns
/campaigns/:id GET PUT A specific campaign
/campaigns/:id/payments GET POST PUT Campaign Payments
/campaigns/:id/rejected_payments GET Rejected Payments
/campaigns/:id/payments/:id GET Details about a specific payment
/campaigns/:id/payments/:id/refund POST Refunding a specific payment
/campaigns/:id/settlements GET Campaign Settlements
/campaigns/:id/settlements/:id GET Campaign Settlement
/campaigns/:id/settlements/:id/bank POST Update a Campaign Settlement Bank
/campaigns/:id/comments GET POST Campaign Comments
/campaigns/:id/comments/:id GET PUT DELETE Details about (or delete) a specific comment


Create Campaign

A campaign needs to be associated to a user. We refer to this user as the "campaign admin". Campaign admins can create campaigns without having to be verified. However, they need to be verified in order to set up their bank account details and then be able to receive the money collected in their campaign.

The metadata field is a great place to store references to other campaign assets, such as a campaign image or description.

POST /campaigns

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns \
    "campaign": {
        "title":"Campaign Title",
        "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-campaign-image" }

Response Body

    "campaign": {
        "id": "CMPBDA",
        "title": "Campaign Title",
        "tilt_amount": 100,
        "min_payment_amount": 0,
        "fixed_payment_amount": 0,
        "expiration_date": "2000-01-02T01:02:03Z",
        "is_tilted": 0,
        "is_paid": 0,
        "is_expired": 0,
        "needs_bank": 0,
        "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/payments",
        "settlements_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/settlements",
        "admin": { "id": "USREC5", "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5", ... },
        "first_contributor": null,
        "tilter": null,
        "stats": {
            "tilt_percent": 0,
            "raised_amount": 0,
            "unique_contributors": 0,
            "number_of_contributions": 0
        "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
        "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
        "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-campaign-image" }

Response Codes

201 => Created

Get Campaign

GET  /campaigns/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "campaign": {
        "id": "CMPBDA",
        "title": "Campaign Title",
        "tilt_amount": 100,
        "min_payment_amount": 0,
        "fixed_payment_amount": 0,
        "expiration_date": "2000-01-02T01:02:03Z",
        "is_tilted": 0,
        "is_paid": 0,
        "is_expired": 0,
        "needs_bank": 0,
        "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/payments",
        "settlements_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/settlements",
        "admin": { "id": "USREC5", "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5", ... },
        "first_contributor": null,
        "tilter": null,
        "stats": {
            "tilt_percent": 0,
            "raised_amount": 0,
            "unique_contributors": 0,
            "number_of_contributions": 0
        "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
        "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
        "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-campaign-image" }

Response Codes

200 => OK

List campaigns

GET /campaigns

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination": {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
    "campaigns": [
            "id": "CMPBDA",
            "title": "Campaign Title",
            "tilt_amount": 100,
            "min_payment_amount": 0,
            "fixed_payment_amount": 0,
            "expiration_date": "2000-01-02T01:02:03Z",
            "is_tilted": 0,
            "is_paid": 0,
            "is_expired": 0,
            "needs_bank": 0,
            "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/payments",
            "settlements_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/settlements",
            "admin": { "id": "USREC5", "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5", ... },
            "first_contributor": null,
            "tilter": null,
            "stats": {
                "tilt_percent": 0,
                "raised_amount": 0,
                "unique_contributors": 0,
                "number_of_contributions": 0
            "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
            "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
            "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-campaign-image" }

Response Codes

200 => OK

Update Campaign

Currently, this request supports partial PUTs. For example, you can do a request to update a single attribute without having to send the full campaign object.

PUT /campaigns/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA \
    "campaign": {
        "title":"A Different Campaign Title"

Response Body

    "campaign": {
        "id": "CMPBDA",
        "title": "A Different Campaign Title",
        "tilt_amount": 100,
        "min_payment_amount": 0,
        "fixed_payment_amount": 0,
        "expiration_date": "2000-01-02T01:02:03Z",
        "is_tilted": 0,
        "is_paid": 0,
        "is_expired": 0,
        "needs_bank": 0,
        "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/payments",
        "settlements_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/settlements",
        "admin": { "id": "USREC5", "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5", ... },
        "first_contributor": null,
        "tilter": null,
        "stats": {
            "tilt_percent": 0,
            "raised_amount": 0,
            "unique_contributors": 0,
            "number_of_contributions": 0
        "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
        "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
        "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-campaign-image" }

Response Codes

200 => OK

Campaign Payments

Create campaign payment

Before a user is able to contribute, they need to have a Credit Card associated to them. All amounts and prices used in this API are always in cents.

When creating a payment, the amount field determines how much money is going to the campaign. The user_fee_amount accepts a value that will be charged to the paying user, on top of the amount, and the admin_fee_amount will be taken out of the money that goes to the campaign admin when the campaign tilts.

For example, if a user wants to pay $20.00 to a campaign, and you want to add a 2% fee to the user, you would send amount as 2000 and user_fee_amount as 40 (2% of the $20.00). The users credit card would then be charged $20.40. In the same scenario, if you wanted to charge 2% from the admin when the campaign tilts, you would set admin_fee_amount to 40 and on tilt the admin will only receive $19.60 from the $20.00 payment.

POST /campaigns/:id/payments

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns/CMPBDA/payments \
    "payment": {
        "amount" : 2000,
        "user_fee_amount" : 40,
        "admin_fee_amount" : 40,
        "user_id": "USR521",
        "card_id": "CCPC41"

Response Body

   "payment" : {
      "id" : "CON233",
      "status" : "charged",
      "amount" : 2000,
      "user_fee_amount" : 40,
      "admin_fee_amount" : 40,
      "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B/payments/CON233",
      "campaign" : { "id": "CMP96B", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B", ... },
      "card" : { "id" : "CCPC41", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521/cards/CCPC41", ... },
      "user": { "id" : "USR521", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521", ... },
      "creation_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:13Z",
      "modification_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:47Z",
      "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

201 => Created

Get campaign payment

GET /campaigns/:id/payments/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

   "payment" : {
      "id" : "CON233",
      "status" : "charged",
      "amount" : 2000,
      "user_fee_amount" : 40,
      "admin_fee_amount" : 40,
      "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B/payments/CON233",
      "campaign" : { "id": "CMP96B", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B", ... },
      "card" : { "id" : "CCPC41", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521/cards/CCPC41", ... },
      "user": { "id" : "USR521", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521", ... },
      "creation_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:13Z",
      "modification_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:47Z",
      "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

Update campaign payment

You may update the credit card for payments. Note that you may only do this for payments with a status of "rejected".

PUT /campaigns/:id/payments/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns/CMP96B/payments/CON233 \
    "payment": {
        "card_id": "CCPC42"

Response Body

   "payment" : {
      "id" : "CON234",
      "status" : "charged",
      "amount" : 2000,
      "user_fee_amount" : 40,
      "admin_fee_amount" : 40,
      "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B/payments/CON234",
      "campaign" : { "id": "CMP96B", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B", ... },
      "card" : { "id" : "CCPC41", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521/cards/CCPC42", ... },
      "user": { "id" : "USR521", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521", ... },
      "creation_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:13Z",
      "modification_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:47Z",
      "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

List campaign payments

GET /campaigns/:id/payments

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

   "pagination" : {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
   "payments" : [
          "id" : "CON233",
          "status" : "charged",
          "amount" : 2000,
          "user_fee_amount" : 40,
          "admin_fee_amount" : 40,
          "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B/payments/CON233",
          "campaign" : { "id": "CMP96B", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B", ... },
          "card" : { "id" : "CCPC41", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521/cards/CCPC41", ... },
          "user": { "id" : "USR521", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521", ... },
          "creation_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:13Z",
          "modification_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:47Z",
          "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK

Get rejected payments

GET /campaigns/:id/rejected_payments

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination" : {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "total_entries": 3,
        "per_page": 50
    "payments" : [
          "id" : "CON234",
          "status" : rejected",
          "amount" : 2000,
          "user_fee_amount" : 40,
          "admin_fee_amount" : 40,
          "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B/payments/CON234",
          "campaign" : { "id": "CMP96B", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMP96B", ... },
          "card" : { "id" : "CCPC41", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521/cards/CCPC41", ... },
          "user": { "id" : "USR521", "uri" : "/v1/users/USR521", ... },
          "creation_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:13Z",
          "modification_date" : "2012-10-20T15:45:47Z",
          "metadata" : {}

Response Codes

200 => OK


Refund a payment

In order to refund a payment, simply POST with an empty body to the payment's refund subresource.

POST /campaigns/:id/payments/:id/refund

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Codes

200 => OK

Campaign Settlements

Campaign Settlements represent a disbursement of funds for a tilted campaign. A campaign settlement will show you the campaign, bank, and user that the settlement belongs to. It will also show you the admin_amount, which is the amount of money being sent to the admin's bank account. The escrow_amount is how much money from the campaign is going into your escrow account (it represents fees charged to the admin and payers). Possible statuses for a campaign settlement are:

Get Campaign Settlement

GET /campaigns/:id/settlements/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "settlement" : {
        "id" : "SMTD88",
        "status" : "pending",
        "admin_amount" : 1960,
        "escrow_amount" : 40,
        "bank" : { "id" : "BAPCA3", "uri" : "/v1/users/USRC77/banks/BAPCA3", ... },
        "campaign" : { "id" : "CMPCCC", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMPCCC", ... },
        "user" : { "id" : "USRC7B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USRC7B", ... },
        "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPCCC/settlements/SMTD88",
        "creation_date" : "2012-10-29T15:34:48.177091000Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-10-29T15:34:48.177091000Z"

List Campaign Settlements

GET /campaigns/:id/settlements

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "pagination" : {
            "page": 1,
            "entries_on_this_page": 3,
            "total_pages": 1,
            "total_entries": 3,
            "per_page": 50
    "settlements" : [
            "id" : "SMTD88",
            "status" : "pending",
            "admin_amount" : 1960,
            "escrow_amount" : 40,
            "bank" : { "id" : "BAPCA3", "uri" : "/v1/users/USRC77/banks/BAPCA3", ... },
            "campaign" : { "id" : "CMPCCC", "uri" : "/v1/campaigns/CMPCCC", ... },
            "user" : { "id" : "USRC7B", "uri" : "/v1/users/USRC7B", ... },
            "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPCCC/settlements/SMTD88",
            "creation_date" : "2012-10-29T15:34:48.177091000Z",
            "modification_date" : "2012-10-29T15:34:48.177091000Z"

Update Campaign Settlement Bank

A Campaign Settlement can only be updated if the status is rejected. In this instance, a bank object can be sent with the id of a new bank account to re-attempt the settlement with.

POST /campaigns/:id/settlements/:id/bank

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns/CMPCCC/settlements/SMTD88/bank \
    "bank" : { "id" : "BAPCA4" }

Campaign Comments

Create Campaign Comment

To create a comment, POST to /campaigns/:id/comments. The only required fields are the user_id of the comment author and the body of the comment. The title, parent_id, and score fields are optional. The parent_id is the id of the parent of this comment, i.e., the comment that this comment is a reply to. This only matters if you want to support nested comments. You may provide a parent_id of null for top-level comments. The purpose of the score field is to provide support for voting on comments.

POST /campaigns/:id/comments

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
    "comment" : {
        "user_id' : "USR123",
        "title" : "Optional Title",
        "body" : "Comment Body",
        "score" : 1,
        "parent_id" : null


    "comment" : {
        "id" : "CMT123",
        "user_id' : "USR123",
        "campaign_id" : "CMPCCC",
        "title" : "Optional Title",
        "body" : "Comment Body",
        "score" : 1,
        "parent_id" : null,
        "creation_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "metadata" : { }

Response Codes

200 => OK

List Campaign Comments

GET /campaigns/:id/comments

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "comments" : [
            "id" : "CMT123",
            "user_id' : "USR123",
            "campaign_id" : "CMPCCC",
            "title" : "Optional Title",
            "body" : "Comment Body",
            "score" : 1,
            "parent_id" : null,
            "creation_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
            "modification_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
            "metadata" : { }

Response Codes

200 => OK

Get campaign comment

GET /campaigns/:id/comments/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Body

    "comment" : {
        "id" : "CMT123",
        "user_id' : "USR123",
        "campaign_id" : "CMPCCC",
        "title" : "Optional Title",
        "body" : "Comment Body",
        "score" : 1,
        "parent_id" : null,
        "creation_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "metadata" : { }

Response Codes

200 => OK

Update campaign comment

Currently you can only alter the score and the metadata of a comment.

PUT /campaigns/:id/comments/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \
https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns/CMPCCC/comments/CMT123 \
    "comment" : {
        "score" : 2,
        "metadata" : {
            "key" : "value",

Response Body

    "comment" : {
        "id" : "CMT123",
        "user_id' : "USR123",
        "campaign_id" : "CMPCCC",
        "title" : "Optional Title",
        "body" : "Comment Body",
        "score" : 1,
        "parent_id" : null,
        "creation_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "modification_date" : "2012-10-01T00:00:00Z",
        "metadata" : {
            "key" : "value",

Response Codes

200 => OK

Delete a comment

DELETE /campaigns/:id/comments/:id

Example Request

$ curl -X DELETE -H Content-Type:application/json -u key:secret \

Response Codes

200 => OK

API Examples

Create a User

Generally the first thing you want to do is create some users. Let's create two users, an admin, and a contributor.

# Create the admin user
$ curl -X POST -u key:secret  -H Content-Type:application/json \
    https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users \
            "email"    : "user@gmail.com"

# Response
    "user" : {
        "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/banks",
        "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/campaigns",
        "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/cards",
        "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
        "email": "user@gmail.com",
        "firstname": null,
        "id": "USR38",
        "is_verified": 0,
        "lastname": null,
        "metadata": {},
        "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/payments",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USR38"

 # Create the paying user
 $ curl -X POST -u key:secret  -H Content-Type:application/json \
     https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users \
             "email" : "payer@gmail.com"

 # Response
     "user" : {
        "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/banks",
        "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/campaigns",
        "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/cards",
        "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
        "email": "payer@gmail.com",
        "firstname": null,
        "id": "USR55",
        "is_verified": 0,
        "lastname": null,
        "metadata": {},
        "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/payments",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USR55"

Create a campaign

Once you've got some users, you can create a campaign for any of them. For this example, we'll make the first user created above the admin user, and use the second user to make a payment on the campaign.

$ curl -X POST -u key:secret  -H Content-Type:application/json \
    https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns \
        "campaign" : {
            "user_id" : "USR38",
            "expiration_date" : "2012-10-31T12:00:00Z",
            "title" : "Halloween Awesome Fest",
            "tilt_amount" : 300000

# Response
    "campaign" : {
        "admin": {
            "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/banks",
            "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/campaigns",
            "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/cards",
            "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
            "email": "user@gmail.com",
            "firstname": null,
            "id": "USR38",
            "is_verified": 0,
            "lastname": null,
            "metadata": {},
            "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/payments",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USR38"
        "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:34:13.518139000Z",
        "expiration_date": "2012-10-31T12:00:00Z",
        "first_contributor": null,
        "fixed_payment_amount": 0,
        "id": "CMPDE8",
        "is_expired": 0,
        "needs_bank": 0,
        "is_paid": 0,
        "is_tilted": 0,
        "metadata": {},
        "min_payment_amount": 0,
        "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:34:13.518139000Z",
        "payments_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPDE8/payments",
        "settlements_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPDE8/settlements",
        "stats": {
            "number_of_contributions": 0,
            "raised_amount": 0,
            "tilt_percent": 0,
            "unique_contributors": 0
        "tilt_amount": 300000,
        "tilter": null,
        "title": "Halloween Awesome Fest",
        "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPDE8"

Create a card

Now, we'll create a credit card for the paying user.

$ curl -X POST -u key:secret  -H Content-Type:application/json \
    https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/users/USR55/cards \
        "card" : {
            "number" : "4111111111111111",
            "expiration_month" : "07",
            "expiration_year" : "2023",
            "security_code" : "123"

# Response
    "card" : {
        "card_type": "VISA card",
        "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:36:21.682748000Z",
        "expiration_month": "07",
        "expiration_year": 2023,
        "id": "CCP2A",
        "last_four": "1111",
        "metadata": {},
        "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:36:21.682748000Z",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USR55/cards/CCP2AE",
        "user": {
            "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/banks",
            "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/campaigns",
            "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/cards",
            "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
            "email": "payer@gmail.com",
            "firstname": null,
            "id": "USR55",
            "is_verified": 0,
            "lastname": null,
            "metadata": {},
            "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/payments",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USR55"

Create a payment

Now we'll create a payment by the paying user to the campaign we created.

$ curl -X POST -u key:secret  -H Content-Type:application/json \
    https://api-sandbox.tilt.com/v1/campaigns/CMP542/payments \
        "payment" : {
            "user_id" : "USR55",
            "amount" : "3000",
            "user_fee_amount" : "100",
            "admin_fee_amount" : "40",
            "card_id" : "CCP2AE"

# Response
    "payment" : {
        "admin_fee_amount": 40,
        "amount": 3000,
        "campaign" : {
            "admin": {
                "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/banks",
                "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/campaigns",
                "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/cards",
                "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
                "email": "user@gmail.com",
                "firstname": null,
                "id": "USR38",
                "is_verified": 0,
                "lastname": null,
                "metadata": {},
                "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
                "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR38/payments",
                "uri": "/v1/users/USR38"
            "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:34:13.518139000Z",
            "expiration_date": "2012-10-31T12:00:00Z",
            "first_contributor": null,
            "fixed_payment_amount": 0,
            "id": "CMPDE8",
            "is_expired": 0,
            "needs_bank": 0,
            "is_paid": 0,
            "is_tilted": 0,
            "metadata": {},
            "min_payment_amount": 0,
            "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:34:13.518139000Z",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPDE8/payments",
            "settlements_uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPDE8/settlements",
            "stats": {
                "number_of_contributions": 1,
                "raised_amount": 3000,
                "tilt_percent": 1,
                "unique_contributors": 1
            "tilt_amount": 300000,
            "tilter": null,
            "title": "Halloween Awesome Fest",
            "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPDE8"
        "card": {
            "card_type": "VISA card",
            "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:36:21.682748000Z",
            "expiration_month": "07",
            "expiration_year": 2023,
            "id": "CCP2A",
            "last_four": "1111",
            "metadata": {},
            "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:36:21.682748000Z",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USR55/cards/CCP2AE",
            "user": {
                "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/banks",
                "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/campaigns",
                "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/cards",
                "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
                "email": "payer@gmail.com",
                "firstname": null,
                "id": "USR55",
                "is_verified": 0,
                "lastname": null,
                "metadata": {},
                "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
                "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/payments",
                "uri": "/v1/users/USR55"
        "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:38:38.736326000Z",
        "id": "CON7C9",
        "metadata": {},
        "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:38:41Z",
        "status": "authorized",
        "uri": "/v1/campaigns/CMPDE8/payments/CON7C9",
        "user": {
            "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/banks",
            "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/campaigns",
            "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/cards",
            "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
            "email": "payer@gmail.com",
            "firstname": null,
            "id": "USR55",
            "is_verified": 0,
            "lastname": null,
            "metadata": {},
            "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:29:34.605286000Z",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR55/payments",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USR55"
        "user_fee_amount": 100

This payment will charge $21.00 to the user's credit card ($20.00 from the amount field, plus $1.00 from the user_fee_amount field), and the admin of the campaign will receive $18.00 from the payment ($20.00 from amount minus the $2.00 set in the admin_fee_amount field).

Now you have created 2 users, a campaign under one user, and a payment to the campaign by another user!

Tokenizing Sensitive User Information

If you want to store sensitive financial information from your users (like credit card and bank account numbers), you are required to be compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Tilt handles this for you by providing a PCI-compliant javascript library, crowdtilt.js, which is easy to implement on your website. Sensitive payment information can then be securely collected without ever touching your servers, keeping you completely outside of PCI and regulatory scope.

To implement crowdtilt.js, follow the steps below. You can also check out this example implementation.

Include the Library

To use crowdtilt.js, simply include the following script tag on any page where you will be collecting credit card or bank account information:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://api.tilt.com/v1/js/crowdtilt.js"></script>

Initialize the crowdtilt object

In a separate script tag, initialize the crowdtilt object. NOTE: this defaults to using the sandbox api when no parameter is passed to the init method:

<script type="text/javascript">

Once you are ready to go to production, pass 'production' as a parameter:

<script type="text/javascript">

Make sure to create users first

Credit cards and bank accounts must be associated with existing user objects created through our API. This means that you need to collect user account information in a step before collecting credit card or bank account information. See creating users for more information. You'll need the resulting user id to create credit cards and bank accounts for that user.

Create a Credit Card

Once you have a user, the next step is to collect her credit card information and pass it to the crowdtilt.card.create function along with her user id, as well as a function to handle the response (more on that in a second).


"cardData": {

crowdtilt.card.create(user_id, cardData, responseHandler);

The user id should be the hash returned by the user creation API call, e.g. "USR1E0A9BCE5F6111E28F485D097AC0CAB6"

The required credit card data fields are:

If successful, the response object passed to the responseHandler function takes the form:

    "card": {
        "card_type": "VISA card",
        "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:48:59.685761000Z",
        "expiration_month": "03",
        "expiration_year": 2023,
        "id": "CCPEEBABE72904711E2AB7EDDC43A854B4C",
        "last_four": "1111",
        "metadata": {},
        "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:48:59.685761000Z",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A/cards/CCPEEBABE72904711E2AB7EDDC43A854B4C",
        "user": {
            "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A/banks",
            "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A/campaigns",
            "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A/cards",
            "creation_date": "2013-02-18T00:09:39Z",
            "email": "mark@ting.com",
            "firstname": "John",
            "id": "USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A",
            "is_verified": 0,
            "lastname": "Smith",
            "metadata": {},
            "modification_date": "2013-03-19T00:03:56Z",
            "paid_campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A/paid_campaigns",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A/payments",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USR7C7CE3AC795F11E2901DABD956AC4F1A"

If not successful, the response object passed to the responseHandler function takes the form:

    "error": ... // A string or an object describing the error(s)
    "request_id": ... //May or may not be present depending on whether the error was found before or after submitting to the API
    "status": ... // HTTP status code

Handling the Response

When creating a card or a bank account, you must pass in your own callback function to handle the response from our API. The status property included with the response provides a handy hook to help you decide what to do.

Here is a basic outline of what your response handler could look like:

function responseHandler(response) {
    switch (response.status) {
       case 201:
           // The card or bank was created successfully!
           // Submit the data contained in response.card or response.bank to your server for saving
           // For bank accounts, remember to set the new account as the default in addition to saving it to your database
       case 400:
           // missing field - check response.error for details
       case 404:
           // your user_id is incorrect (no user was found)
           // Some other error ocurred, check response.error for details

Create a Bank Account

Creating bank accounts is just like creating credit cards. First gather up the bank account information, then pass it to crowdtilt.bank.create along with a user id and a response handler...but keep in mind one important extra step: When you go to save the tokenized bank account to your server (most likely through a request made in your callback function), you need to make an additional API call to set this new bank account as the 'default' bank account. See setting the default bank account for more information.


"bankData": {
    "name" : "John Smith",
    "account_number" : "1234567890",
    "bank_code" : "321174851"

crowdtilt.bank.create(user_id, bankData, responseHandler);

The user id should be the hash returned by the user creation API call, e.g. "USR1E0A9BCE5F6111E28F485D097AC0CAB6"

The required credit card data fields are:

If successful, the response object passed to the responseHandler function takes the form:

    "bank": {
        "account_number_last_four": "7890",
        "bank_code_last_four": "1234",
        "creation_date": "2013-03-19T03:46:45.557777000Z",
        "id": "BAP9EC85D70904711E2AB7EDDC43A854B4C",
        "is_default": 0,
        "metadata": {},
        "modification_date": "2013-03-19T03:46:45.557777000Z",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "uri": "/v1/users/USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083/banks/BAP9EC85D70904711E2AB7EDDC43A854B4C",
        "user": {
            "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083/banks",
            "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083/campaigns",
            "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083/cards",
            "creation_date": "2013-02-19T18:11:37Z",
            "email": "happyness@sauce.com",
            "firstname": "marc",
            "id": "USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083",
            "is_verified": 1,
            "lastname": null,
            "metadata": {},
            "modification_date": "2013-03-04T06:14:25.991725000Z",
            "paid_campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083/paid_campaigns",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083/payments",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USRCD2689FA7ABF11E2863ADF5C03071083"

If not successful, the response object passed to the responseHandler function takes the form:

    "error": ... // A string or an object describing the error(s)
    "request_id": ... //May or may not be present depending on whether the error was found before or after submitting to the API
    "status": ... // HTTP status code

Client-side Validation Helpers

These handy functions let you validate user input on the client side, leading to a better overall experience.

Validating Card Number

Checks that the number is formatted correctly and passes the Luhn check. Note that spaces and other punctuation are ignored.

crowdtilt.card.isCardNumberValid('4111111111111111');      // true
crowdtilt.card.isCardNumberValid('4111-1111-1111-1111');   // true
crowdtilt.card.isCardNumberValid('4111 1111 1111 1111');   // true
crowdtilt.card.isCardNumberValid('123456');                // false, too short
crowdtilt.card.isCardNumberValid('4242-1111-1111-1111');   // false, doesn't pass Luhn check

Determining Card Brand

Returns the card brand based on the card number

crowdtilt.card.cardType('5105105105105100');   // Mastercard
crowdtilt.card.cardType('4111111111111111');   // VISA
crowdtilt.card.cardType('341111111111111');    // American Express
crowdtilt.card.cardType(0)                     // null

Validating Security Code (CSC)

Checks that the security code (also known as CSC or CVC)is properly formatted based on card brand

crowdtilt.card.isSecurityCodeValid('4111111111111111', 999)   // true, VISA has a 3 digit security code
crowdtilt.card.isSecurityCodeValid('4111111111111111', 9999)  // false
crowdtilt.card.isSecurityCodeValid('341111111111111', 999)    // false, American Express has a 4 digist security code

Validating Card Expiration

Checks if the expiration date is properly formatted and in the future

crowdtilt.card.isExpirationValid('01', '2020');    // true
crowdtilt.card.isExpirationValid(1, 2010);         // false

General Card Validation

Runs the full set of validation functions, returns an error object that can contain multiple errors

    expiration_month: '01',
    expiration_year: '2010',
    security_code: '123'


    card_number:'"4111111111111112" is not a valid credit card number',
    expiration:'"01-2010" is not a valid credit card expiration date'

Validating a USA Bank Code (Routing Number)

Use ONLY for USA-based bank accounts. Checks against the MICR Routing Number Format

crowdtilt.bank.validateUSARoutingNumber('321174851') // passes
crowdtilt.bank.validateUSARoutingNumber('021000021') // passes
crowdtilt.bank.validateUSARoutingNumber('123457890') // fails

Tokenization Examples

Here we include two sample forms, one to collect credit card information and one to collect bank account information.

Included also is sample javascript to handle the data captured in the forms using crowdtilt.js. We use jQuery for convenience, but keep in mind that jQuery is not required when using crowdtilt.js.

Sample Credit Card Form

<form action="#" method="POST" "id="cardForm">
    <input type="hidden" name="user_id">
        <label>Card Number</label>
        <input type="text" name="card_number" autocomplete="off">
        <select name="expiration_month" style="width:50px">
            <option value="01" selected>01</option>
            <option value="02">02</option>
            <option value="03">03</option>
            <option value="04">04</option>
            <option value="05">05</option>
            <option value="06">06</option>
            <option value="07">07</option>
            <option value="08">08</option>
            <option value="09">09</option>
            <option value="10">10</option>
            <option value="11">11</option>
            <option value="12">12</option>
        <select name="expiration_year" style="width:75px">
            <option value="2013" selected>2013</option>
            <option value="2014">2014</option>
            <option value="2015">2015</option>
            <option value="2016">2016</option>
            <option value="2017">2017</option>
            <option value="2018">2018</option>
            <option value="2019">2019</option>
            <option value="2020">2020</option>
        <label>Security Code</label>
        <input type="text" name="security_code" autocomplete="off">
    <button type="submit">submit</button>

Sample Bank Account Form

<form action="#" method="POST" id="bankForm">
    <input type="hidden" name="user_id">
        <label>Bank Name</label>
        <input type="text" name="name">
        <label>Account Number</label>
        <input type="text" name="account_number" autocomplete="off">
        <label>Bank Code (Routing Number in USA)</label>
        <input type="text" name="bank_code">

    <button type="submit">submit</button>

Sample Javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {

        //Initialize the crowdtilt object

        var responseHandler = function(response) {
            switch (response.status) {
               case 201:
                   // The card or bank was created successfully!
                   // Submit the data contained in response.card or repsonse.bank to your server for saving
                   // For bank accounts, remember to set the new account as the default in addition to saving it to your database
               case 400:
                   // missing field - check response.error for details
               case 404:
                   // your user_id is incorrect (no user was found)
                   // Some other error ocurred, check response.error for details

        var tokenizeCard = function(e) {

            var $form = $('form#cardForm');
            var cardData = {
                number: $form.find('[name="card_number"]').val(),
                expiration_month: $form.find('[name="expiration_month"]').val(),
                expiration_year: $form.find('[name="expiration_year"]').val(),
                security_code: $form.find('[name="security_code"]').val()
            var user_id = $form.find('[name="user_id"]').val();

            crowdtilt.card.create(user_id, cardData, callback);

        var tokenizeBankAccount = function(e) {

            var $form = $('form#bankForm');
            var bankAccountData = {
                name: $form.find('[name="name"]').val(),
                account_number: $form.find('[name="account_number"]').val(),
                bank_code: $form.find('[name="bank_code"]').val()
            var user_id = $form.find('[name="user_id"]').val();

            crowdtilt.bank.create(user_id, bankAccountData, callback);

Resource Definitions

This section outlines the full definition of our resources.

User Definition

Attribute Type Required Description
id string Auto generated and read-only A unique identifier for the user
email string Yes Email address
firstname string Yes The first name of the user
lastname string Yes The last name of the user
is_verified integer Auto generated and read-only Whether this user is verified to receive money
creation_date string Auto generated and read-only It is ISO8601 DateTime format
modification_date string Auto generated and read-only It is ISO8601 DateTime format
uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for this user resource
cards_uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for listing user's cards
banks_uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for listing user's banks
campaigns_uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for listing user's campaigns
payments_uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for the user's payments
metadata JSON object No Key-Value pair for any extra data the API consumer wants to store. For example, a reference to the URL of a user's profile image.

Card Definition

Attribute Type Required Description
id string Auto generated and read-only A unique identifier for the card
last_four string Read-Only Last four digits of credit card number
expiration_month string Yes Expiration month (string representing 2 digits)
expiration_year integer Yes Expiration year (4 digit number)
card_type string Read-Only Identifies the card's brand (VISA, Mastercard, etc)
user JSON object Read-Only The user object that owns this card
uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for this card resource
creation_date string Auto generated and read-only It is ISO8601 DateTime format
modification_date string Auto generated and read-only It is ISO8601 DateTime format
metadata JSON object No Key-Value pair for any extra data the API consumer wants to store.

Bank Definition

Attribute Type Required Description
id string Auto generated and read-only A unique identifier for the bank
account_number_last_four string Read-Only Last four digits of account nummber
bank_code_last_four string Read-Only Last four digits of bank routing nummber
name String No The name of this bank account
is_default Integer (1 or 0) Read-only Tells you if this bank is currently the default for the user
user JSON object Read-Only The user object that owns this bank
uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for this bank resource
creation_date string Auto generated and read-only It is ISO8601 DateTime format
modification_date string Auto generated and read-only It is ISO8601 DateTime format
metadata JSON object No Key-Value pair for any extra data the API consumer wants to store.

Campaign Definition

Attribute Type Required Description
id string Auto generated and read-only A unique identifier for the campaign
title string Yes The title of the campaign
tilt_amount integer Yes The amount required to tilt the campaign. This amount is in cents. After the campaign raises enough funds equal or more than this amount, the credit cards will get charged. Before that, cards are authorized only.
min_payment_amount integer No The minimum amount for a single payment. This amount is in cents.
fixed_payment_amount integer No If this amount is set, each payment will have to be exactly this amount or multiples of it. This amount is in cents.
expiration_date String. ISO8601 DateTime format Yes The expiration date of the campaign
is_tilted integer Read-only Indicates whether or not the campaign has tilted
is_paid integer Read-only Indicates whether or not the campaign funds has been paid to the admin
is_expired integer No Whether or not the campaign is expired
Value Description
0 Not Expired
1 Expired
uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for this campaign resource
payments_uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for the payments on this campaign
needs_bank integer Auto generated and read-only Whether the campaign admin needs a bank for the final payout/settlement to occur
settlements_uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri with the settlements for this campaign
admin JSON User object Auto generated and read-only This campaign's admin
first_contributor JSON User object Auto generated and read-only This campaign's first contributor
tilter JSON User object Auto generated and read-only This campaign's tilter (if tilted)
stats JSON object No Statistics information about the campaign.
creation_date String. ISO8601 DateTime format Auto generated and read-only The creation date of the campaign
modification_date String. ISO8601 DateTime format Auto generated and read-only The modification date of the campaign
metadata JSON object No Key-Value pair for any extra data the API consumer wants to store. For example, a reference to the URL of a campaign image.

Payment Definition

Attribute Type Required Description
id string Auto generated and read-only A unique identifier for the payment
status string Auto generated and read-only Reflects the status of the payment. Available values:
amount integer Yes The amount of this payment that will go towards the campaign
user_fee_amount integer Yes The amount to charge the user (payer) for this contribution. This amount will be *added* to the `amount` value when determining what will be charged to the users card. The full charge amount will be `amount` + `user_fee_amount`.
admin_fee_amount integer Yes The amount to charge the admin of the campaign for this contribution. This value does *not* affect the amount charged to the user, but instead affects how much of the `amount` value goes to the campaign admin. The admin will get `amount` - `admin_fee_amount` from this contribution when the campaign tilts and expires.
uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for this payment resource
campaign JSON Campaign object Auto generated and read-only The campaign this payment is for
card JSON Card object Auto generated and read-only The card used for this payment
user JSON User object Auto generated and read-only The contributor of this payment
creation_date String. ISO8601 DateTime format Auto generated and read-only The creation date of the payment
modification_date String. ISO8601 DateTime format Auto generated and read-only The modification date of the payment
metadata JSON object No Key-Value pair for any extra data the API consumer wants to store.

Settlement Definition

Attribute Type Required Description
id string Auto generated and read-only A unique identifier for the settlement
status string Auto generated and read-only Reflects the status of the settlement. Available values:
Value Description
pending Settlement has been sent and is pending
rejected Settlement was rejected, usually due to invalid bank account information
re-sent pending Pending again after a re-try if this settlement was previously rejected
cleared The settlement has successfully cleared the users bank account.
admin_amount integer Auto generated and read-only The amount of this settlement that is going to the admin bank account (the bank account shown in the `bank` sub-resource).
escrow_amount integer Auto generated and read-only The amount of this settlement that is going into the API User's escrow account (it represents fees charged to the admin and payers)
bank JSON Bank object Auto generated and read-only The bank account that received this settlement
campaign JSON Campaign object Auto generated and read-only The campaign this settlement is for
user JSON User object Auto generated and read-only The user who received this settlement (admin of the campaign)
uri string Auto generated and read-only The uri for this settlement
creation_date String. ISO8601 DateTime format Auto generated and read-only The creation date of the settlement
modification_date String. ISO8601 DateTime format Auto generated and read-only The modification date of the settlement
metadata JSON object No Key-Value pair for any extra data the API consumer wants to store.


All GET requests on collection resources has pagination enabled with a default of 50 entries per page. For example:

GET /users

    "pagination": {
        "page": 1,
        "entries_on_this_page": 3,
        "total_pages": 2,
        "total_entries": 100,
        "per_page": 50
    "users": [
            "id": "USREC5",
            "email": "foo.bar@gmail.com",
            "firstname": "Foo",
            "lastname": "Bar",
            "is_verified": 0,
            "creation_date": "2011-07-02T14:20:48Z",
            "modification_date": "2011-09-02T14:20:48Z",
            "uri": "/v1/users/USREC5",
            "cards_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/cards",
            "banks_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/banks",
            "campaigns_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/campaigns",
            "payments_uri": "/v1/users/USREC5/payments",
            "metadata" : { "img" : "http://www.example.com/path-to-profile-image" }

The default limits can be changed with per_page and page request parameters. For example:

GET /users?page=2&per_page=10

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I create Tilt.com or Tilt/Open camapigns through the Tilt API?

A: Campaigns created through the Tilt API exist independently of Tilt.com and Tilt/Open campaigns.

If you're interested in allowing users to create Tilt.com campaigns from your website or application, you may find that the beta version of our Tilt Button fits your needs.

Q: Can I use the Tilt API outside of the United States?

A: While contributions to campaigns created through the API can be made with any major credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), all payouts of funds collected occur to US-based bank accounts.

Q: What are the costs associated with using the Tilt API?

A: The fee to use the Tilt API is 1% of funds collected. You'll only be charged for campaigns that hit their Tilt amount. In addition to the Tilt API fee, Stripe fees also apply.

Q: Does the Tilt API allow me to do white label crowdfunding?

A: The Tilt API provides crowdfunding logic on top of payments processing handled by Stripe. The Tilt API does not provide auth, login, UI/UX, etc. - you're in full control of the look, feel, and interactions within the application.

Q: Can I interact with the Tilt/Open campaigns via the Tilt API?

A: The Tilt API and Tilt/Open exist independently of each other. Accordingly, campaigns created via Tilt/Open cannot be modified or accessed via the Tilt API.

What does exist for Tilt/Open are campaign and payment endpoints that return a JSON array of their respective data. These endpoints can be found on the campaign edit page in your Tilt/Open admin panel and are often used for exporting campaign / payment data to fulfillment tools like BackerKit and CMS platforms like Salesforce.

Terms of Use

By accessing or using the Tilt API you agree to be bound by the Tilt API Terms of Use.